As human beings we go about our day doing our best to fulfill our ‘to do’ list. We struggle when others we care about don’t respond to us the way we wish they would. We often agonize over loved ones that don’t make good decisions and then must bow to the circumstances that have been served up to them on a toxic plate. Yes, this is all vanity the bible says.
We are at rest with our little worlds if all goes well, others are happy and making good decisions, and treating us well right? But, it does not have to be that way at all. We do not have to be subject to the people around us. When we stop making people our God, and simply do our best with a good conscience, we can have everlasting peace.
I spent a life time of trying to please my family, my spouse, my boyfriend, my boss, my neighbor, you name it, and the only result has always been unrest because no human is perfect and never will be, no matter how hard we coerce, manipulate, dominate or control.
Do you ever try to imitate your friends just to be accepted? Does it work? Do you get the real acceptance you’re looking for? Probably not. Growing up I spent too many years trying to mimic my friends by what they wore, or what they said or did, but it never gave me the acceptance that I longed for in my soul. It never made me feel at peace with myself.
Jesus Christ is the inimitable true love we need. It’s Him we can imitate, and with time we can begin to resemble Him in character. Give Him that empty place in your soul today!
On a journey of hope and healing with you,
Terri Lynne