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Terri Lynne Corbett

First Steps to Hope and Healing

Do you ever find yourself stopped dead in your tracks, asking yourself, “How did I get here”? and “What am I going to do now”? Well, this has happened at least a few times in my life and it’s always been shocking to me. Devastating no less! I had to take a reality check and make a move out of my comfort zone all the while desperately ‘shaking in my sandals’ sick with fear, anxiety, depression and confusion. Scrambling for an immediate resolve, in my derision I stumbled over wisdom, and made yet another hasty decision that would send me spiraling down the slippery slope of false love one more time. If you’re like me then you can certainly relate.

I want you to know, THAT course can be changed, anytime, anywhere and there’s ALWAYS HOPE NO MATTER WHAT! I speak out of experience. As long as you woke up today, and the breath of life is now in your lungs, you can be certain that GOD LOVES YOU and is ready, willing, and able to help you up and out of any pit you may be in.

I remember a phrase a beautiful friend said to me not so long ago, she said “Terri, your situation can change in the twinkling of an eye”! She meant that for the good. I took this to heart, put it in my lipstick case and it’s been there everyday ready to use whenever I need it, and trust me I use it a lot.

It’s true! Take a quick thought over your own life just for a second. See how your life has taken quick little snaps and jerks in this direction, and then all of a sudden slow and steady, mundane and uneventful for what seems like an eternity. Indeed, we have much less control than we think. That said, a new path is always on the horizon waiting to be realized and embraced. First and foremost, you just need to BELIEVE IT!

Remember the old adage “Seeing is Believing”? Well in this case it’s really quite the opposite, “Believing is Seeing”! Once we can see clearly, we are able to take the next step in the right direction, on stable ground, without falling. What a great feeling that is to make a good sound decision without regret. Triumphant in overcoming another bad decision. Magnificent peace and joyful splendor is yours for the taking. Two tangible rewards for doing what is right.

On a journey of Healing and Hope with you,

Terri Lynne

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