Think with me for a moment. Each moment of each day, we look for ‘answers’ to our thoughts. What, where, when, and the most common “Why”. Here are a few examples:
“What just happened?” “What did I do wrong?” “Where are my car keys?” “When will this issue be resolved?” “Why did that person treat me that way?” “Why won’t God heal me?” “Why is this happening to me?”
Every one of us has asked, is now asking, or will ask these questions at some time or another, and often without the answer we would prefer, or any answer at all. To avoid discouragement, which is a failure of our will, we can trust in God’s Sovereign Will! “What is God’s will you ask?” It is His will that we trust Him no matter what our circumstances look like. That’s easier said than done. See the image above, the sun? That is the awesome power of our God that we can put our trust in. We struggle to find answers to everything, and some of us struggle much more than we need to. In our struggle for answers we can become sad, depressed, angry, fearful. It’s not necessary for us to waste the emotional or physical energy on getting our answers in our time frame. God is in control, remember?
The Book of Job in the Bible gives us a very descriptive glimpse into the life of a man who was ‘righteous’ and accepted of God. Job endured more tribulation than any of us ever have short of our Lord Jesus Christ himself. Talk about desperate for answers. Job’s story is meant for our help and encouragement during our most difficult times in life. In short, Job acted human, wanted, demanded answers. He proclaimed his own righteousness, complained, wanted to die. He was on a roller coaster of emotions, day in and day out with no help from his most trusted friends. He was made a mockery of everyone!
In the end, Job realized his own mistake of demanding answers from the God he trusted and served. In his submission to God’s sovereign hand in his circumstances, he found rest and resolve. God restored to him not only what was lost, but far more, a deeper realization of his need to examine his own life, and then trust God for the outcome.
Will you trust and relax in His sovereign will for your life today? Give every thought, every tear, every emotion to Him, and He will give you rest.
That is all the ‘answer’ we need!
On a journey of Healing and Hope with you,
Terri Lynne