To say we are not ever prone to depression is to lie against the very capable emotions that swirl all around us. As we are gifted and fitted to feel the emotions of joy and happiness, we are equally well adapted to feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Remember.....if you woke up this morning with "breath in your lungs", God's grace and love are towards you. Be assured He is directing your path, and that today His favor is with you.
The Angel of the Lord first poked, then told Elijah to "arise and eat", he did this twice, 1 Kings 19:5,7. The Angel told Elijah the journey would be too difficult for him alone. Well, I think this is amazing! Arise and eat? Could it be that simple? I mean, we enjoy those two things pretty naturally anyway, but it seems so selfish, so human, so menial. Jesus gave us the intelligence, the ability to reason, to change our mind, a free will........what a precious gift. We are not subject to satan's lies anymore as long as we take the 'get up and go' with energy and enthusiasm to do what God has called us to do.
Think with me for a moment about the great men and women God used for His perfect plan and purpose on this side of Heaven. David, Paul, Ruth, and Elijah. They each were prone to the swirling emotions of sadness and depression, as well as joy and happiness, yet, they 'began', and encouraged themselves IN THE LORD AND HIS WORD. As they followed..... what appears to be humdrum and earthly, they took in the connate and hereditary nature given to us for this difficult journey called life.
Are you feeling useless today? There is no need. It's not true. Just another one of satan's lies. Don't listen! Get up and sup, and as you do, you will minister and cast your mantle to those God is using you to minister to.
On a journey of Healing and Hope with you,
Terri Lynne